Rana Cooking Centre | Testimonials
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Deepak Shukla (Japan)

I am thankful to Rana Cooking Centre. I learnt lot about cooking

here, Today I am here settled in Japan & its credit goes to Rana

Cooking Centre.

Gurpreet Singh (Australia)

I enjoyed every class here!!  Today I am satisfied that I got settled

here in Australia. It was amazing and wonderful learning

experience!! Thank you.”

Gurjant Singh (Germany)

Not only was it a great learning experience, but also it was very

stimulating and made me more enthusiastic about cooking and

learning even more skills in the future.

Beant Singh (Finland)

My time at the Rana Cooking Centre accounts for some of the most

fruitful learning experiences of my life. I have learned valuable

skills fromchefs with a wide range of knowledge and abilities.

Ripanjit Kaur (Australia)

The people that I have met and how much I have grown & learned

has made my time at Rana Cooking Centre one of the best times of

my life, without a doubt. Thanks to Rana Cooking centre.

Harinder Singh (Sweden)

My one year at Rana Cooking Centre surpassed all types of

expectations I had. Education quality is excellent. I feel like I grew

not only in cooking but also as a person. The people I met

influenced my life and made me a better person.

Gursharn Kaur (Germany)

I always wanted to join a cooking school but I found most of them

quite intimidating. Rana Cooking Centre allow me to practice at

home and experiment without feeling under pressure !

Arshpreet Singh Gill (Sweden)

A chef instructor once told me, “Life is full of choices, it

depends on what good or bad choices you make. I

know I’ve made an excellent choice joining

Rana Cooking Centre.

Jaspreet Kaur (Australia)

I stayed at Rana Cooking Centre for one year. The only thing I

can say is I love Rana Cooking Centre. My school gives me a

goal, a career, and makes me grow up!

Tajinderjeet Kaur (Australia)

My time at the Institute accounts for some of the most

fruitful learning experiences of my life. I have learned

valuable skills from chefs with a wide range of

knowledge and abilities.

Napinder Singh (New-Zealand)

I choose to study with the Rana Cooking Centre because

of the small class sizes and it has a good reputation for

training and producing good chefs.”

Jaswinder Singh (New-Zealand)

At Rana Cooking Centre, They have taught me too

well. I am now out in the industry and I have such

high standards as the tutors have instilled in me

the right way of doing things.

Sarbjir Kaur (Canada)

I want to thank you for a wonderful time. We Loved the

class and really enjoyed. I am today here at Canada all

because of Rana Cooking centre.  Thank you.